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The Stigma of Mental Health

The Stigma of Mental Health. What it can do, and how to overcome it

What is a stigma?  A stigma can be described as a negative outlook based off of a fictional belief.

What can mental health do to individuals? It can encompass one’s life socially, professionally and emotionally if left untreated.

There are many different stigmas when it comes to those who deal with mental health. These stigmas vary form;  Discrimination, Prejudice and Stereotypes.  In day to day life, these stigmas can cause society to alienate the individual dealing with mental illness. These prejudicial and stereotypical acts can vary from harmful language, to blame. Meanwhile discrimination could vary for individuals with mental health, some examples could be people alienating (social isolation from peers) as well as bullying.

How to overcome the stigma: These different types of stigmas can then seep into ones self esteem and then one social ability. This ends of developing different problems at home and create difficulties at work. In order to overcome these stigmas, one must have a strong support system. Having a support system allows the individual dealing with mental illness speak about how they’re feeling and to understand that there is nothing to be guilt-ridden of.

Spreading awareness about mental health and ones experience with mental health can reduce the stigma as well as educate people who do not know much about mental illness and the different affects it may cause. These can vary from different lenses such as;  professional, social or personal lens.  One can educate people through social media or  even through every day conversation.

For more information visit: Psychiatry.org – Stigma, Prejudice and Discrimination Against People with Mental Illness


– Ysabel Frempong

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